One Hundred Days
Day 100
One hundred days. That's how long we have been out on this trek. It's crazy to think that for over three months, we have been homeless, jobless, and away from those we love. Today also marked the day we continue our journey after our 'vacation' off-trail. This morning we went to the park by the bust station in Reno, and napped to use up some of hour eight hour layover we had. After that and getting some food at the Harrahs Casino we went back to await our bus. It was interesting, because this time in Reno, people were much much nicer. I'm not sure if. It's because we had a few days of cleaning off, or if people were just more interested, but it was very refreshing.
we saw a fellow hiker in the bus station, and he was jumping up because he went through the Sierras slower than anticipated, he wanted to jump up north to finish it before the winter rolled in. That being said, its time to really start pushing the miles. Tonight we were lucky and a nice woman let us camp in her yard and fed us! So that was a nice welcome back to the trail. We are excited to move on, and the start of the second half has been great so far.