snow? snow! snow.

Day 164

The past few days we have been encountering snow. Not a surprise, and nothing out of the ordinary. However, today we had snow. Real snow. Ironically, we woke up to a great dry morning filled with joy and happiness. The few days off at the McMinns really gave us some much needed rest and recharged us for the upcoming stretch.

With the first few miles easy, the extra energy we had gathered at the McMinns was about to be used up. As we climbed in elevation, the snow began. First a couple centimeters, then a couple inches. Eventually we were walking through full on snow. I wasn't fun because the pace was slowed, and the miles didn't pass by. The incrusted exertion was for naught, as when the sun began to set, we only had about 15 miles on the day.

Luckily, we found a nice spot under a tree giving us some protection without wind. We set up a bunch of pine bows under the tent to keep us off the snow and keep the heat in the tent (it's chilly out indeed).

Not as many miles as we would have liked today, and the conditions have begun to get worse. I think this is the start of why people always ask us if we think we will make it...

-- Ian

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