Getting Tired

Day 134

With the excitement of a hearty breakfast on our minds, we were up and out of camp as soon as we woke up (we slept in until 6:30 though). We made it to the "resort" in no time flat only to be let down by a small general store on an RV park and campground. Not only was there no actual food, but everything was incredibly expensive -- and that's coming from a New Yorker.

We got a package from Andys mom, and she was nice enough to throw in some Backpackers Pantry's for us! So that brought the cost of our resupply in this store down a bit.

After some coffee, and then soda, we were off once again. Luckily, the day ended at a ski hut, which is actually a full on cabin with solar panel fueled lighting, and plenty of wood for a fire. Not a bad way to end another day here in Oregon. Not the biggest mileage, but we move forward. -- even if we are beginning to get tired.

-- Ian

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