A 'Fair' Town

Day 105

The trail is one of contradictions. The terrain can go from a watery hell to a dried up desert in a matter of days; your mindset flip flops from the big to small picture; and what motivates you forward changes constantly. With these drastic differences comes some surprises.

We shot out of camp a little late, but the terrain was beautiful do to some great trail maintaining by Sierra Butes Trail Stewardship and we cruised. After about 15-miles, mostly uphill, we hit the road that would take us into Quincy. After two quick hitches we were out if the mountains and in e heart of one of the friendliest and nicest towns in California.

We boogied to Safeway and got some fried chicken and our resupply. Hot, tired and still dehydrated we were heading back to the trail when we noticed a family out on lawn chairs enjoying the late summer afternoon. We struck up a conversation with the Jones family, who were celebrating their mom, Sue's, retirement from the sheriff's office. We had some beers, then they offered us dinner, and we happily accepted. After the beverages, tri-tip steaks and excellent sides we were whisked off to the county fair!

From the Gravitron to the Swings and finishing with the Ultimate Hammer we had a kick ass time. To think the night before we were camped at a river doing some trout fishing and tonight we are surrounded by the summer energy of Quincy.

Camping out in their front yard we fall asleep very tired with our stomachs still spinning...

Today was another reminder of how many good people are in this world.
