
Day 68

Waking up to summer tourists' packed SUVs whiz by our tent was a little surprising. We had thrown the fly on last night to block this morning's sun and forgot we were camped next to a giant, blinking road work sign.

Before I could finish eating my fruity pebbles cereal bar we had our first hitch with a North Carolina Scout Leader. After a few minutes between rides we got a ride with Erik, a geologist from Tucson, who lifted us all the way within three miles of our target destination, Mammoth Lakes. Our last hitch brought us down the homestretch and into a great little ski town.

It was amazing to see my attitude go from relatively anxious while long distance hitching to going with the flow. By the last stretch back I had grown relaxed enough to write a little song while waiting for a ride. It's amazing how focusing on small characteristic changes can help you realize the change sweeping over you that otherwise goes unnoticed.

Ending our side trip and transitioning back to the sierras will be difficult. But, any transition period has unknown factors, if you think out and execute the things you can control and are flexible on the things you can't- I found out life is much easier.

Time to turn the page on the next, exciting, chapter of this epic journey north!

- Andy