Just around the bend

Day 39

Still fatigued from the copious amounts of sun yesterday, we woke up and prepared for the day. We had one climb and 17 miles to tackle before we could call it a day in the desert town of Mojave, CA.

Pushing through the climb we found ourselves somewhat dehydrated atop a ridge littered with windmills. The great size and constant roaring sound seemed to symbolize the power they produce. While a somewhat controversial form of energy, walking close to these giant machines is inspiring.

The rest of the day rolled on. Feet began to grow sore and muscles grew tight as we hit Highway 14 where we would hitch to Mojave. We threw out our thumbs and waited. After over an hour and a half we finally got a ride from a guy named Steve, who is a biologist at the wind farm we trekked through.

Once inside Mojave we pigged out at a Carls Jr. (Hardees for all you east coasters), got our resupply and enjoyed the Best Western's hot tub. Catching up with family and loved ones, we rest up for one of the last and most rugged stretches of desert we've faced yet. Soon, the dryness of Southern California will be replaced by 12-foot snow drifts and raging pack melts cascading down steep slopes as we enter the Sierras. Although, we become stronger as the days motor on, mother nature's fury is just around the bend.

- Andy