
Day 22

We woke to frost on our tent, and chilly toes. Sleeping in a little late, we got ready to go and were on the trail at 8:20. moving through the day, we knew we had a detour at mile 296. When we got there, and began only to find that it all would be road waking. Moving along we were fortunate enough to meet a guy named Chad.

He started showing us the planned route on a bigger map, and we found out it was all empty roads. He offered to give us a life to the marina on Silverwood Lake, where the detour ends.

Taking a lift, we got in around 4 and found a little store to get some snacks and soda, as well as any remaining food needed. Unfortunately, the snack bar was closed, so we had to settle for microwavable sandwiches (not complaining in the slightest). As we sat at our picnic table overlooking a small beach and large lake, a thru hiker named Rick (whom we call too much info -- he spews a lot of facts out) came through. He got some snacks and we all hung out for a while, eventually going to camp together, we are now sharing a campsite.

After we setup camp and feasted on gas station snacks, we called our girlfriends to remind them we are still alive, and now get ready to sleep. Hopefully the rustling bushes by our tent isn't the coyotes we saw from afar earlier.

-- The Dusty Camel