MDHT 2020!

While I wait for the southbound season to begin, my sanity requires outdoor time pronto. I wanted to find a place I could be secluded and on my own for a solid two weeks without any concern or issues with resupplying.

During my research, I found the Maah Daay Hey Trail in North Dakota. About 150 miles through the Badlands, this trail is equipped with a full team of supporters and volunteers that have installed water cache’s frequently along the trail.

The plan is to drive cross country (sleeping in the vehicle, only rolling through drive throughs, fresh and thrown away gloves at gas stations) and then up the trail in order to supply the caches with water. At a snails pace of about 10 miles a day, this will be a perfect way to get my decaying body back into working shape. I’m actually thankful for this time before the CDT. To ensure getting to Colorado before the snows hit, I’ll be required to keep a decent pace once I begin. Starting that straight from quarantine may be quite difficult.

Also, to note, I have left this journal off the main homepage. Due to the main fact that I’ve already had COVID-19 and have overcome it, I believe that antibodies created will generate an immunity, even if just for a time, and will prevent me from being at risk of spreading the illness while on my travels. That said, I don’t plan to be cavalier about anything, and will maintain strict consciousness of any risk and how to mitigate it. I’ve decided that I will not publicly share this leg of my journey due to sensitivity of current times, and volatile nature of opinionated folk. So that means you will need the link in order to get to this journey — for friends and family following along.

This leg of the journey in ND will be a full two weeks of isolation in the mountains. This is to rest, recoup from the crazy, and prepare for the journey ahead. I’m excited for the adventure(s) to begin!

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