Snow free

…is the way to be.

The sunrise is quite early now, and I woke up well before my 6:30 alarm. By the time the alarm went off, I was already finished with breakfast, and packing up. I quietly departed the camp hoping not to wake up the other folks who were setup there. 

The trail all day was snow free. Not a smidge. It was glorious. I did 29 miles. Yeah, I really wanted that 30th... but it was already a lot to get to the 29th. I didn’t really need to push myself so much as any extra miles I hike (over my 24 average needed to get to Salida) just decreases the amount I need to hike on the last day, giving me more time to take care of resupply and try to rest a bit. 

Besides there being no snow, the most notable part is all of the thru hikers! Nearly two weeks off put me in a whole different bubble of people. Today, on the trail, I saw no less than 8 hikers. It seems more people are pushing through this way now that the snow is melting. Reports as of a week ago say we’ve got about another 23-25 miles of no snow, then a bit after that here and there.

The other fun part of today was I ran out of water. Not sure how, exactly. It was warm but nothing crazy,  but I was sweating more than usual. Likely all the booze and food over my hiatus from the trail. 

I was also quite sore most of the day. I took a few breaks in the second half of the day. I was only able to make another 18 miles without stopping. I had the time, so figured if I could hit 30, cool. But there wasn’t water at that mark and I was even more sore by the time I hit the water at 29. 

I quickly setup my tent and got some water (and chugged said water). The flys were going crazy, so I hopped in my tent to prepare for and eat dinner. One hiker went by, then three ended up camping near the water as well. I’m sore. More snow likely tomorrow, woo!

A restful night is in store for me, I hope!

Ian Mangiardi1 Comment