ABQ, Here I Come!

With Helium and Exxon departing today, we all rose at a normal hiker time (about 6-6:15). They packed up and were gone in a flash. I eagerly awaited the opening of the restaurant for a breakfast burrito and nervously awaited the answer to how would I get to ABQ - a 2.5 mile journey across two highways, first east across 60, then north along 25. Not the easiest hitch,  it as Money says, the trail provides. 

Once it was time to make our way to the restaurant, a group of hikers (6-7) of us rolled up. Anita shortly rolled in, a silver haired woman adjourned with large pieces of turquoise along a big necklace, and an aura of happiness and pleasantness. At the time, I had no idea who she was. But she decided to sit with us hikers and very quickly I realized she was in fact the owner of the Toaster House (who now lives across the street from the restaurant).

She was on her way to Soccoro, which was where the 60 met the 25, and graciously offered to bring me that far. However, she asked if we had talked about it yesterday. Seeing as I had never met her prior, I was a bit confused. But as she mentioned there were two more hikers making their way to ABQ, those two hikers happened to walk into the restaurant. 

I quickly jumped on the opportunity and asked if I could tag along. They were both from ABQ, and were departing the trail. I hadn’t realized at the time, but they were only doing a stretch, and was relatively new to the thru hiking community. So they weren’t quite as comfortable accepting my request as a fellow thru hiker may have been, as they weren’t quite as accustomed to the random help and helping of strangers. But fortunately, they allowed me to come, and by 1:30p, we were on the road. 

Chris’ ex-step moms boyfriend rolled up in a bright blue Charger SRT. A fun little sports car for sure, with an adorable little pup inside. We piled in and we’re off, and a good speed, especially when passing cars. 

Before we knew it, we were at the other hikers (Costner) house in ABQ, and he gave me a ride over to the hotel where Ben had posted up. 

We ordered dominos, I showered and cleaned my clothes, and the day was a great success. 

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