Pizza pizza

With the wet night, my tent was frosted on the outside, but due to the condensation, also on the inside. I wanted to leave it out to dry a bit, but with the valley walls preventing the sun from shining down, I had cooked breakfast (while trying to keep warm) and was packed and out by 7:15. 

With only a few minutes on the days hike, and with washed out trails and covered up prints, a few fresh coyote prints were apparent. No biggie, fairly common. But then, BAM. Fresh bear prints. They had to have been from this morning at some point, walking away from my camp, it’s possible it was nearby while I was getting ready and decided to wander off. 

Fortunately, they weren’t on my trail for long and veered off never to be seen again, but clear as day were those prints. 

Other than that, the day was fairly relaxed and simple. The trail turned back into a hard pack dirt jeep trail, so made for much easier hiking than the sandy trail leading up to camp. Winding down the valley, it was pretty, but uneventful. 

Eventually I found myself to the main road (NM117), which I’d be winding along for the rest of the day and tomorrow, as well. 

A couple little trail heads, some pretty cliff faces, and clear sunny skies. Clear, and hot. Walking on the pavement isn’t ideal, but at least is quick. Had a few cars stop to make sure all was well, but again, a fairly uneventful afternoon. 

Funny enough, the cyclist I saw going TO Pietown yesterday was now on his way back to Grants. Yeah, he went back and forth all in the time it took me to get most the way (but not all), one way. He was a nice fella though, said he had given some water to a fellow hiker back down the way. Must have been on the earlier road as I don’t think there’s anyone directly behind me, especially after a 32 mile day yesterday, and a 28 mile day today. 

My day was scheduled to end at a Rangers Station that has a water faucet - one of the few reliable sources along the way. 

The station is actually closed (says for renovations) so there was no one there once I arrived, but full service. With only 12 miles left to get into town, and a comment in the maps about someone having ordered pizza, I did just that. Called up a local joint, asked if they’d make the 12-15 mile journey, and ordered some pizza, salad, and soda. Sure enough, not long passed by and my delicious meal arrived. 

Posted up on the side of the ranger station, directly under some cameras I might add (sorry BLM!), I head to bed. Another big mile day, but that means only about 4 hours of hiking tomorrow (once again in the road) until I make it into Grants where I can get a nice bed, plan my next section, and continue to fill my belly with non ramen and mashed potato dinners. 

Weary from the day, feet sore from the pavement, but with a full belly and flat ground. Not a bad day.