Resting in Pagosa

I woke up more than thrilled to not be hiking today. My feet were swollen and hurting, a few fresh blisters making themselves known from switching to boots. I actually slept in until 8 (after waking up once or twice saying no way Jose). 

The day was spent doing most of nothing. I went to The Rose for breakfast. Then to a nice coffee shop right on the river (yay cold brew!). Made my way back to the hotel and grabbed some lunch bars to get me to the next spot (Creede) as I actually had enough food already. I was carrying extras worrying about the snow, so had enough breakfast and dinner, and even one extra of each. 

Since my body was revolting on this particular day, I decided I was in a fancy enough town where I could get a good massage. That helped to loosen up the muscles a bit. I was definitely feeling the last two big day pushes. 

Lisa (the woman who gave me my massage) actually was kind enough to drop me off at a spot for dinner where I had margaritas, an elk burger, and two orders of tacos, including chips with queso dip. 

Back to the hotel I went to pass out! A well spent zero day. Gotta be rest for the high route stretch to get me to the Creede alternate!

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