JetFlow Hydration System

Fancy hydration systems all have their place. It is nice to have a large water capacity, the size and shape to fit in your pack, and easy to fill through the big opening on the top. However, get on any long-distance trail, and you will notice most people have dropped the hydration bladder for a lighter weight, cheaper, and more disposable option -- the water bottle. 

Water bottles are cheap and easy to replace, and they are everywhere! They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and until now, have been a pain to drink while hiking. Avulsion understands this, and has found the solution. Instead of dropping the hydration pack system all together, why not integrate it with the cheap and reliable water bottle? No more cursing when your bladder inevitably gets a leak... just replace it with another $1 bottle in town. 

Designed from bike trips around Zion, Whistler, and Moab, these were created to address the concern of buying drinks just to put them in bladders. The Jet system was created so that the airflow would be constant and wouldn't crinkly up your bottle as you drink (hence the two valves). You can even pump up the bottles to pressurize them making drinking as easy as biting down on the valve!

Their plethora of adapters allow just about any bottle to be turned into a hydration system. From Poland Spring to Nalgene bottles and everything in between (including Gatorade bottles) you will be able to screw on this cap, plug your hole into, and drink away without having to pull the bottle out of your pack. Oh yea, and the attachment only weighs in at 15 grams.



www.JetFlow.Com $20 without their special water bottle