Here we go!
For those of you who know me, you'll know about my insatiable curiosity. This curiosity drives me, fuels my passion, and causes all mayhem -- both good, and bad! I enjoy knowing the perspective of different people, places, and things. The best way to learn this perspective is by walking a day (or week or month(s)) in the shoes of another, through their backyard.
My travels have brought me far and wide through varying terrains through different cultures. In these turbulent times for our grand ol' country, many are quick to flee, and folks often write off the amazing cultures, and varying terrains of this great nation.
So! While my last few years have been spent adventuring abroad, it's time to make a comeback and shine a light on the positivity of this lands wild spaces. The importance of America's backyard, and that no matter what happens in this world, our freedom to roam will never be taken from us.
2017 will have many journeys for my compatriots and I. Some are a surprise, some are simple weekend trips, but I'm proud to announce that in February, I will be trekking the 800-mile long Arizona Trail.
I've walked through 17 states border to border, and I intend to make Arizona lucky number 18!
The AZT, typically known for its desert terrain, harsh sun, and bone dry water sources, will be a challenge all it's own in February. With elevations reaching 9,000, the temperatures will be low, and the baron desert will be blanketed in white.
With an epic finale (or close to it, at least) in the Grand Canyon, I can't think of a more fitting journey to give my soul a little recharge. I intend to share the adventure with those who will follow in hopes that you (the reader) too, will embark on a journey of your own and find for yourself why staying wild is important for mind, body, and spirit.
Keep checking in as I begin the adventure with gear reviews, plans, and -- of course -- the live (b)log along the journey!