I love NY

What a day! I have no idea how far we walked. We woke up in better spirits after a great nights sleep. We packed up and headed towards the trail away from our lake side campsite which was very nice to wake up to. Andys foot is having some issues (half of it is numb) so we decided to get to Kent, CT via roadway which would take the same amount of time. We actually started walking on the taconic parkway which was a tad scary and we quickly got off of. We then used my phone to follow smaller roads. Half the day in, a guy in a dump truck stopped for us. Hitch hiking is illegal in NY and we had no intention of getting a ride, but he offered to bring us part way so we took it happily. At the end of his ride, he offered is venison, we said we had nothing to cook it with and he offered is a stove and pans! He was very kind but it was just to much to carry.

At this point we were where we wanted to be so we were looking for a place to camp, and along the road a corrections officer named Glen picked us up. He brought us within 7 miles of Kent. He said he would bring us all the way after he went home and got changed, and left us at a pizza place until he returned. The guy there actually gave us a giant cookie after he heard we were on the trail.

Glen came and brought us to Kent which was awesome and very unexpected. We got our resupply and then filled up our bellies. We didn't know where to camp, so we tried our luck on a big lawn between the post office and the town hall. Unfortunately, a couple goes later we got kicked out. So instead of packing everything up, I walked down main street holding my set up tent. Needless to say we got some funny looks when people saw a bright orange tent floating around. We went to the church and set up camp in a circle of trees. Its funny to be in Kent because my old buddy went to school here and I rowed against them in high school.

So we go onwards! rainy and gross today, but what else is new?

via BB