Debbie downer

Day 35

Hiked today: 21.7

Hiked total: 583.0

To katahdin: 1595.3

We had a great nights sleep in the four walled shelter, but that was about the only good thing about today.

We started off hiking in really thick fog. It was so thick in fact, that we were breathing heavily in order to get more oxygen which was difficult due to the moisture in the air. Not only was it foggy, but we were on a ridge for a good portion of the day, so what should have been a view was a dulled, dark, confining shade of white. It was a tough day. It took us longer to get to our lunch break than we had hoped and we quickly realized we wouldn't make it to the post office today to get the rest of Aunt Debs wonderful creations.

We ate lunch with this weird hiker. He thru-hiked a long time ago and was doing some sections for vacation. After that we left and then it started to rain. Again. This is our 6th straight day with rain. We were talking and came to the conclusion we were suffering from a seasonal depression type thing. We haven't seen the sun in 6 days and have a vitamin k deficiency or something because the only happy thing about today were our little Debbie outmeal pies and aunt debs bars.

We got to a road 5 miles out of town and decided to hitch. We walked for about 5 until we finally got a hitch. Not before getting lost though. Anyway a woman named Trail Dreamer picked us up. She had an ATC sticker on her car and her license plate said hiker on it. She was obviously an AT hiker. She drove us to town and now we are in a motel. Warm. And dry.

We will eat and tomorrow is supposed to be clear so hopefully we will have a nice day.

via BB

Ian Mangiardi2 Comments