The cage
Day 13
Hiked today: 13.8
Hiked total: 177.5
To katahdin: 2000.8
We started the smokies today in the rain. We knew it would be but it was still annoying. Last night we slept really well in the shelter nicknamed the fontana Hilton. We got up and packed everything and went up to the bathrooms to use running water for the last time for about 6 days. We were told by the guy who drove us in that this part was one of the hardest on the trail so we were preparing for the worst. After about 2 miles on the road and crossing the dam, we got to the trail and made our way up. We were pleasantly surprised when it wasn't especially difficult. However, it started pouring. It was windy and cold and we were not happy. Our packs were really heavy as well because we have an extra 4 days worth of food, so it was a crummy day. We didn't really stop for lunch because the shelter we are staying at was only 2.5 miles from the only protected place we could stop. We got here at about 2 to be almost startled by what we saw -- a cage.
As we came up to the shelter, the back was of a normal stone shelter. However, when we got to the front, it was caged off with a small door in the middle. Inside the shelter there was a warning sign that said this area has high bear activity and to hang your food and not approach a bear if one were to come. So after getting water, we locked ourselves in, and set up camp.
Its kind of scary that we are in here, but on the other hand I feel safer. Let's just hope we don't experience why there is a cage.
We are now in the tent and will make dinner soon. There is a raging thunderstorm going on which is scary. Now ice is hitting the roof. Oh geeze.
Hopefully I won't make another post tonight saying the roof is gone or we got hit by lightning.
via BB