Adam Cape

My name is Adam, and I am a proud through bred Cornishman! I’ve lived most of my life either in or near Cornwall, never too far from wilderness areas of the UK like the coastal areas or Dartmoor. Thanks to my family as a kid I spent most of my spare time in the outdoors kindling my taste for adventure.

As I have grown and met new exciting and equally crazy people from all over the world, it has fuelled my sense of adventure and given me new ideas for future adventures, some as simple as hitch hiking around Kiev and Lviv and having a great time playing charades with the Ukrainian drivers and seeing where I end up. Others like my next trip have required a lot more preparation and have a lot more purpose to it than purely going for a good time.

During my time in Zambia I started a charity for a HIV support group in Mbabala called the Luyando support group, with the aim of giving them a more stable future, to provide their children with the education and wellbeing that all children, regardless of nationality deserve and to give them more regular transport to the hospitals for their antiretroviral treatment.

To raise awareness of the issues faced by the people of Mbabala I am going to hike from Mont saint-Michel in northern France to Santiago de Compostela in North West Spain from mid October till December, living in relative poverty the whole way out of my backpack, fishing the Bay of Biscay and relying on the kindness of contacts along the route, I hope you’ll follow my adventure and donate!

See you on the roads!

Follow Adams adventure on his (b)log